Ready to belong?

I knew from the start that God wanted to gather a community of people, committed to knowing Him more. It doesn't matter how new or inexperienced we might be or how prophetic and advanced. We are all being pursued by him, we are being called into more. Learning to discern God’s message in our dreams takes practice, we all need someone to walk with us in this. So…

Let's go TOGETHER!

breathing underwater membership

$100/ monthly

Breathing Underwater MOnthly membership $100

Join the Breathing Underwater Monthly Membership and EXPECT TO:

Acceleration In Discerning God’s voice

Establish Your Personal Dream Language with Him

Gain Skills To Interpret Your Dreams + The Dreams Of Others

Deepen Your Desire For Godly Wisdom

Receive Promises For Your Future

Grow In Spiritual Authority

Recognize Dreams Coming To Pass

Experience Inner Healing

In our 2 Live Monthly Calls you will receive:

Dream Interpretation Teaching + Activation

Prophetic Teaching + Activation

Group Coaching

Learning To Follow The Leading of the Spirit

Prophetic Prayer



Like- Minded Community


*Access to a private FB Group with teaching videos, zoom call archives, Q+A, space for posting dreams and connection with others.

Not ready yet to commit? Sign up for our FREE August membership call to try it out!